Follow and enable notifications for @UnitedGrind on Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
  • If you are interested in submitting your music/videos for our broadcast, reviews and/or playlist please enter your details in the provided contact form.
  • Please include a YOUTUBE video link for Yo! UGTV Raps submissions.
  • If you wish to be considered for live performance opportunities please include your location/state in the form and a working email address.


What does it mean to be a member of United Grind Society?


The Society is structured organization within the company of United Grind. Periodically membership is opened up to creators, including; artists, djs, producers and content creators. Membership grants you access to promotion, opportunities, and select services.


The process in granting membership relies on a majority board vote. Every submission is carefully vetted based on quality of product, activity on social media and engagement with United Grind after your submission is complete.


Check the membership box on the form for membership consideration. Additional information will be emailed to you should your submission be considered.

    Dj Nu Era’s, Nu90’s Spotify playlist is live! Use the form to submit songs for consideration.

    Following the United Grind Spotify page and Nu 90s HIp Hop playlist are required for submissions. (@UnitedGrind on all outlets).